Proud to say I have no foundation, concealer or any face makeup on! |
There are so many products in the market for acne, zits, pores, blackheads, and etc., and the prices pretty high for quality products. But there are free ways you can achieve clearer skin, and trust me it works too. With having pretty bad acne after puberty, I almost tried everything in the market...almost everything. What helped me was the change in my lifestyle, which was not to clear my skin but to lose weight, and guess what, it helped my skin too. As much as it is important to practice direct facial cleansing, mental and internal cleansing is also important. Here are some tips that I practice to achieve clearer skin and which actually works...
#1 Never touch your face with dirty oily hands (ewww I can't stand dirty fingers, yuck). Before makeup wash you hands. If you think you haven't touched or used any oily products, then press your fingers on a black screen (phone or mirror) and trust me you'll see your fingerprints. If you have oily skin and need to wipe off the oil or shininess off your t-zone or nose, don't use or fingers or palms, instead wipe or dab it with a tissue paper, or the back of your hand.
#2 Never sleep with your face on the pillow. Our hair and scalp have natural oil production power, which transfers to our pillows when we sleep. I swear when I have a really nice deep sleep with my face glued to my pillow, I have a guaranteed zit on my face in the morning. And I have proof, in the photo above, I have two guests on my face, John and Nancy. But with the help of these points they are shrinking :) !
#3 To avoid pores and acne it is important to stop pore blockage by dust, dirt, and oils. Our pores need to breath, and if they are being blocked they will grow bigger and wider. Also, make sure you apply moisturizer to your face NOT lotion or cream. Lotions and creams are tooo thick. I learned this the hard way, since I have extremely thirsty dry skin, I used to wear lotion, and now I have holes on my face that are visible from a distance.
#4 Always wear sunscreen, sunblock is even better, of at least 35+ spf. People usually get confused with when to apply sunscreen or sunblock. Is it on top of moisturizer? Is it on top of makeup?? When to apply it??? sunSCREEN or sunBLOCK, is a layer or film of protective chemicals and should be the outermost layer applied to your face. Now the big problem is for girls who apply makeup, since sun protection is so greasy it is hard to apply on makeup. So it is better to apply makeup that contains spf in it, such as powders, foundations, lip balms, etc.
#5 Wash you towels and makeup brushes. They also collect dust.
#6 Exfoliation! This is a very important step and should not be avoided. Exfoliation brushes and washes should be included in your skin regime. If you don't have the budget to invest in brushes or washes, don't worry, you can take a damp towel and in circular motion deep clean your face or body. Also, there a lot of homemade exfoliation scrubs you can use on the internet, such as brown sugar in honey. Honey and sugar scrub is great for lips, it leaves you lips plumped, brighter, and so kissable smooth. For the lazy people, like me, you can just brush your lips with your toothbrush while you are brushing your teeth.
#7 Never pop a pimple, unless you are in the shower. If you randomly, dirty-handed pop your pimple your just going to multiply them. And also they leave scars!
#8 Wash your face at least 2 to 3 times a day, yes it makes a difference. When I do my full face night regime, then I can proudly say, I woke up like this, I woke up like this, lol.
#9 The cleaner your inside the cleaner your outside. Avoiding sugary or fried food can make a big difference in your appearance. No, you don't have to completely give up on it, you can enjoy some fried chicken wings one day of the week.
#10 Eat vitamin rich foods. Now I am no professional nutritionist or have a PhD in vitaminology, but I take vitamin c for brighter skin and biotin for my hair and nails, and boy, I can't believe my lashes are growing, it's a miracle.
#11 Try to stay calm and happy. Stressful situation might cause you some zits, so be happy, stay happy, and drink a lot of H2O. :)
Well, this is all I have, I really hope you guys thought this was useful in any way. Leave me any tips or secrets you might have in the comments. And also, thanks for reading! :)
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